The complete collection of photos
as taken at Yoshimitsu Aiki-Dojo for
Aikido-The Book In Between
by Mario-Gunter Frastas
Aikido DressCode
Uke present on tatami Antonis, Yianna and Nico
Kokyu Nage...close up
Yubi Tori
Kote Gaeshi
Hiji Nage Shiho Nage
Ganseki Otoshi: Performing an Art is not choosing what to perform from that Art... but practice the full measure of it.
Jo-Taijutsu Tachi Dori
Ten Shi Nage Kokyu Nage
Katana Reassembly Aikido Trainer... at his office
Precision Cut*
Hanmi Hadachi Sankyo Ho Sutemi from Sumi Otoshi
"Ten Years After"
Sword Cut 1991* "Unbendable" JoAikido "Knot"
Fudou-Shin Fudou-Tai (Unmovable Mind Unmovable Body) One could say that Ki power is what Aikido is all about. But Ki power is only as real as the practical tests that prove it is there.
Koshi Nage
Nikyo Variation Hiji Hime
Our mind like a sword sharp, open and clear
*Disclaimer: This technique is extremely dangerous and should under no circumstance be practiced without proper supervision.